A Return to Tuscany

Just reworked this short story I wrote a while back but never really shared. Feel free to critique and let me know what works or doesn't in your opinion.

Couple in troubled relationship

The Lifeline — Flash Fiction

“Make love to me,” she murmurs clinging desperately to his fragile stability amongst the raging chaos. She’s in the best shape of her life. Better than when they were madly in love. Body fat down to nothing, long legs toned from daily ten-mile walks trying to escape herself, breasts like rare fruit enticingly within reach. …

Continue reading The Lifeline — Flash Fiction

Car Swimming — Flash Fiction

“Thanks,” he croaks. His unnatural gyrations are freaking me out. I ease the car into traffic. He babbles about hiding from the police. I’m brimming with a host of different emotions. His right elbow bangs sharply against the passenger window. “Stop thrashing around.” “Sorry,” he mumbles. But he can’t stop, limbs flailing with the frantic …

Continue reading Car Swimming — Flash Fiction